Teleta Blog Posts

With the rising cost of living, it may be necessary to think about Increasing your Treatment Pricing for the New Year. This can feel daunting, especially if you haven’t done so in a few years. Of course, you don’t want to upset or put off loyal patients, so here we share our top tips for communicating price increases effectively…
  1. Contact them directly: don’t rely on a one-off social media post to be seen by all your patients! Use multiple communication channels (phone, email, website and social) to notify your database to ensure they get the message.
  2. Give notice: it would be unfair to increase prices for patients who are already booked in as they may have budgeted based on your old rates. If possible, though, advise them and the rest of your database that any future treatments will be charged at the new price with at least one month’s notice.
  3.  Be honest: give patients a clear explanation as to why you’re increasing your prices, so they don’t think it’s simply a money-making move. If your product costs, rent, gas, electric or other bills have skyrocketed, then don’t be embarrassed to tell customers so they understand you need to cover your costs in order to continue to provide the high-value service they appreciate.
  4. Highlight value: don’t forget to emphasise your skills and expertise! Yes, your services may now cost more than another practitioner in the local area, but the extensive training you’ve undergone and continued education you participate in means you can ensure safe and highly effective results that can be relied upon time and time again.
  5. Consider payment plans and special offers: this may not be suitable for every practitioner’s business, but it could be something worth looking into if your patient numbers fall because of cost. Spreading the cost may make treatment more affordable for them, while special offers such as 10% off a course of treatments might not have a huge impact on your profits, but could incentivise patients to stick with you.
If you have any price increase tips to share with your fellow aesthetic practitioners, drop them in the comments section below!
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